Join the Mid-West Figure Skating Council Series!
Only $10 to participate
Earn prizes!
Enter at any time during the season (calendar year), past competitions will be included
2 ways to compete:
All events - singles and any with one partner ​
Free Skate only (or Short Program if not skating FS )
Participating Competitions: Heartland Winter Classic, MWFSC Snowball Spectacular, Skate Kansas City, Heart of America, Wichita Mid Continent Classic, Pony Express, & Line Creek Fall Fling.
Mid-West Figure Skating Council Championship Series
Upcoming Events
01/20 Kansas City FSC Test Session ??​
01/20-26 US Championships in Wichita
02/02 Snowball Spectacular
02/17 Kansas City FSC Test Session ??
03/13 St Joseph FSC Test Session
05/08 St Joseph FSC Test Session
Virtual Testing:
Kansas City FSC has monthly virtual tests. The deadline is the 15th of each month.
Silver Blades FSC has monthly virtual test sessions. The deadline is the 30th of each month.
The Council was created to improve, encourage and advance figure skating for the community served by the Council and to cultivate a spirit of fraternal feeling among the skating clubs within the Council.
News and
US Figure Skating Nationals
in Wichita
For ticket information visit
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