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Mid-West Figure Skating Council Championship Series


Each member club hosts a competition in participation with the Mid-West Council Championship Series.  There are two ways to participate, the All Events option or the Free Skate Only option (Intermediate–Senior only). For the All Events option points will be awarded for all levels in Singles, Pairs, Dance, Showcase, Jumps, Spins, and Compulsory Moves. Currently, the series consists of the following competitions:  MWFSC Snowball Spectacular, Skate Kansas City, Heart of America, Wichita Mid-Continent Classic, Pony Express, and Line Creek Fall Fling. Skaters competing in this series will receive points based on their placement in each of the above events at the recognized competitions. At the end of the season, the top point skaters will receive awards from MWFSC and the club with the most total points will receive the Traveling Championship Trophy for that year.

There is an annual $10 registration fee to enter the Championship Series, which can be paid at the first competition the skater enters or by registering online. 

What is the deadline to sign up? Skaters can enroll anytime between January 1 and the final competition of the season.  Skaters will receive points for any events entered no matter when they enroll.

Who keeps my points and how will I know how many points I have? Our accountant will tabulate points as the season progresses. It is the responsibility of each skater to verify the accuracy of the points and to bring any discrepancies to the attention of the Council.


How are points calculated?






What happens to my points if I change the level I skate during the season? Your points stay with you if you change levels and will continue to accumulate at your new level. 

Do all Free Skate events count? Yes; Well Balanced, Excel, Short Program, and Free Skate placement points are recorded.  Points are recorded for any Singles, Pairs, and/or Dance events entered.

Skaters may also choose to compete in the Free Skate Only track. This will only track placement and assign points for the skater's Free Skate (or Short Program) for either singles or a partnered discipline.

Who can I ask if I have additional questions? Contact any Council officer or use the Contact Us tab on the website.

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©2019 Mid-West Figure Skating Council

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