The Mid-West Figure Skating Council is composed of the following area clubs: Heartland Figure Skating Club, Kansas City Figure Skating Club, Line Creek Figure Skating Club, St. Joseph Figure Skating Club, Silver Blades Figure Skating Club, and Wichita Figure Skating Club.
The purpose of the Council shall be:
To improve, encourage and advance figure skating for the community served by the Council and cultivate a spirit of fraternal feeling among the figure skating clubs within the Council.
To provide a forum for the exchange of information among it's member clubs for their mutual benefits.
To provide a means for cooperative activities which will further the objectives of the Council. ​
Who we are
Join the Council
Member Clubs must be from states located in the Mid-West.
Upon the Council receiving the signed and completed application, the application will be reviewed and voted on at the next scheduled meeting. If necessary, a special meeting can be called.
Admission requires a majority vote of the MWFSC Board.
Membership fee for the new member club will be $300, plus the current annual dues adjusted for the remaining number of months left in the fiscal year.
The Council has no authority or power to interfere with the rights of it's members as Member Clubs of U.S. Figure Skating.
Board of Directors
President: Kathleen Ogren, Kansas City FSC
Vice-President: Ann Hannah, St. Joseph FSC
Treasurer: Carolyn Goodwin, Line Creek FSC
Secretary: Kellen Geneva, Silver Blades FSC
Becky Batchelder, Heartland FSC
Fran Thornberg, Kansas City FSC
Charmin Savoy, Kansas City FSC
Cindi Carter, Line Creek FSC
Sarah Miller, Line Creek FSC
Debbie Cole, St. Joseph FSC
Isabella Plum, St. Joseph FSC
Wendy David, Silver Blades FSC
Eric Suen, Silver Blades FSC
Jeannel McCart, Wichita FSC